Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The White House Takes a Stand

The White House has finally issued a statement condemning the very scandal which, for months, has plagued the Bush Administration.

White House spokesman Trent Duffy said people who work in the executive mansion do have a sense of humor, but not when it comes to breaking regulations.

The Administration has finally ended its silence on an issue which threatened to divide the House of Bush, and which was likely to have significant political ramifications for the 2008 presidential election.

You must be asking yourself, "has the Bush Administration finally stepped up and acknowledged the inappropriate, dare I say 'treasonous,' conduct of key White House advisors Karl Rove and Scooter Libby?"

Well, no. Not so much. But......they did take a stand against political humor website The Onion for improperly displaying the Presidential Seal along side clever parodies lambasting Mr. Bush.

"When any official sign or seal is being used inappropriately the party is notified," the White House said on wednesday.

Kind of a case of the pot calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say. Given the mess that the White House currently finds itself in, it's quite interesting that they are levelling threats against The Onion for allegedly 'tarnishing' the Office of the President. Hasn't Mr. Bush already tarnished it enough?

When pressed for comment, Mr. Bush simply stated: "I don't like Onions. They make you cry. And crying ain't no fun for no one."

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