Monday, February 06, 2006


From Afghanistan to Indonesia, tens of thousands of Muslims around the world have launched a series of new protests -- some violent--over cartoons depicting Prohpet Mohammed.

The cartoons, published in the French and Danish Press, were originally commissioned by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, and have met with extreme backlash from Muslim communities across the globe. Over the weekend, protesters torched embassies of Denmark and Norway.

The aforementioned protests were sparked by the Islamic tenet which forbids any depictions of Mohammed. However, the content of the cartoons themselves have also created quite a stir. For example, one of the cartoons depicts the religious leader wearing a turban shaped like a bomb with a lit fuse.

Now, in a startling turn of events, the cartoon community has chosen to FIGHT BACK. Not since the cancellation of "The Muppet Babies," and subsequent collapse of the Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup have the 'toons united with such fury and force.

Yosemite Sam, President of the "Cartoon Characters Anti-Defamation League," issued the following statement:

"Yer darn 'tootin we're upset. For far too long, we 'toons have fought against the tyranny of hyper-realism and the rigid constraints of religious dogma. I remember back when my character was created, and Southern Baptist congregations were in an uproar over my depiction of the Southern, 'hootin and a 'hollerin lifestyle. Well, we fought back then, and we're gonna fight back now! Some of you young'ins might forget the battle we 'toons waged against the nation of Tazmania after they attempted to censor my dear compadre the Tazmanian devil on the grounds that he allegedly perpetuated xenophobic myths about Eastern European culture. Both Taz and I feel that we have an obligation to come to the defense of our fellow 'toons in this time of increased censorship and fundamentalist fervor."

The 'toons have worked day and night to assemble a group of recognizable faces ... known simply as the "Coalition of the Animated"... to come to the aid of other 'toons in need. In just two short days, the international Coalition has already drawn (no pun intended) the likes of Yosemite Sam, The Tazmanian Devil, Wile E. Coyote, Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester the Cat, and Pepe Le Pew. The Coalition intends to build its forces rapidly, using grassroots methods to spread its message. The Road Runner and Marvin the Martian have already been enlisted as messengers in the hopes that they may quickly and efficiently appeal to the international and intergalactic cartoon communities for much needed support.

As this article went to press, the Coalition of the Animated was dutifully marching across the Lebanese countryside armed with ACME brand dynamite, a pitchfork, and a hydraulic trampoline. If and when this momentous battle escalates, we will bring you the full story.

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